returning to sparse reflections / by Philip Tarlow

DETAIL of sparse reflections after todays intervention; kind of a cool passage, no?

3:52 PM: sparse reflections was a bit too sparse. so, after gazing at it since i last worked on it, 5 days ago, and after waiting 3 days since my calf surgery, i decided to jump in. did i jump in too soon & delay healing of the wound? maybe. i’ll see when i take the bandage off tonight & see if there was any bleeding.

but back to the painting. after a full days work, it looks quite a bit different than the others, although obviously of the same family. i went into it with no real plan other than to create more coherence in what seemed to me to be an image without a center of focus. scattered. dispersed. confusing & unsettling to the eye.

so was i successful? yes & no. yes, if you look at the two below, in that todays version, on the right, does give the viewer somewhere to hang his/her hat. no in that, although there are a number of beautiful passeage, the painting’s identity is still not entirely clear. after 4 days of inactivity, my mind cut in when it shouldn’t have. and my legs began to ache, unused perhaps to standing on the cement floor for a good part of the day.