on the road / looking back / by Philip Tarlow

11:12 AM: yesterday i had a couple of doctors appointmnets in denver & boulder. one of them was with my dental surgeon, and while waiting to be called in, i made this drawing. as you know if you follow this blog, i make drawings when we travel, and my favorite venues for that are doctors waiting rooms, where you have a captive audience of people who are doing exactly that: waiting. i won’t continue this metaphor right now, but…

in 2015 i was making a series of paintings titled gaze, inspired by vermeer. sitting in my friend dan’s living room waiting for mikela to return from her hair appointment so we can leave for a lunch meeting in aspen, i was perusing images on my 256gb thumb drive, which i always cary with me. i ran across this one of a painting in the early stages of development.