starting landscape with pink trees / by Philip Tarlow

2:25 PM: today was a short day. we walked up the trail this morning so i arrived at the studio a bit later than usual. and at 4:30 we have to be at an event here in crestone. i was excited to begin work on this new flute over water series, as i’m now calling it. landscape with pink trees is the first in the series to be painted on a white ground, rather than the tan-ish ground i’ve been making. painting on this extra fine, quadruple primed portrait linen is thrilling. the shapes create themselves, and every mark counts. i felt taiga’s spirit more than ever; his ikkaku, or intrammeled personality, his gashu, or elegant resonance.

i employed few colors, one of which is my favorite oil paint made by williamsburg, originally developed in brooklyn, where i was born: canton rose.

it may be a one sitting painting; it will be very difficult to recapture the feeling i had this morning, colored strongly by our walk up the creek at 6am.

i loved using the primed white of this linen to paint on, and i may do more in this series.

now i’m going to go back to the house & lie down for an hour before we have to leave for our event, which is a pot luck.