more work on "the sound of a flute over the water" with the addition of a figure / by Philip Tarlow

DETAIL showing the man in red on horseback.

5:27 PM: today was one of our every-other-day trail walking days. so i arrived in my studio late….like about 11;45am. i knew i wasn’t done with the sound of a flute over the water , but i felt it had so many beautiful passages that i was hesitant to do too much. i felt strongly that it needed one or two arears of stronger color.

but first i need to find a pathway into my groove. not so simple. i started by making some white vertical marks, borrowing from other paintings in this series. of course that didn’t work & i ahd to take those marks out. but that was my doorway in. i was engaged. then i found elements in taiga’s paintings that struck a chord, at the same time they were solving the problem of introducing primary color.`

i introduced a man on horseback; an image which can be found in many of taiga’s paintings. the first iteration was almost too small to be recognized. then i added a larger version, while leaving the smaller on as a kind of echo.

BELOW: the painting as ait looked yesterday, on the left, and today.