1:59 PM: the opening of environment remixed at space gallery in denver was exciting. i was so absorbed in conversation with all the great people i met that i completely forgot to take photos, which is totally unlike me. but we’ll be back in denver and i can take photos then. there was an excellent turnout, and visitors were genuinely interested in having me guide them through the work and giving them insights they may not otherwise have had. this led me to have a conversation with mike, the gallery director/owner about creating an event we’re calling a forum, on about the 19th of this month. i’m going to talk with one of other 3 the artists in the show, ben about joining me via zoom (he lives in albany) for about an hour. i’ll be physically present in the gallery & he’ll join in on zoom. so we can give our individual & mutual perspectives on the work we’re showing; how it came about, and answer any questions the attendees might have about the work.
as always, returning to the studio after even only 48 hours away is a challenge. getting back in my groove doesn’t happen all at once. so i don’t know about the work i did today. i had considered minoo completed when we left thursday morning, but when i entered the studio this morning, perhaps influenced by some of the feedback i received thursday night at the opening, i made some changes & additions. BELOW are the before (left) & after:
i also did some work on quaantum rocks, which i hadn’t touched since april 6th. along the same lines as in minoo, i added some punchier rocks, which focus the composition.