1:35 PM: the window has closed on any new work i might make starting today, that will be dry enough on saturday when my friends kindly offered to drive the selected paintings to space gallery in denver for the show, which opens may 30th.
so today i’m letting go of any pictures i might have had as to what the new pieces need to look like in order to make a coherent whole. i’m letting go.
3:35 PM: an odd day indeed. freed from the pressure of creating new work for my show, which will be picked up and delivered to the gallery in just 4 days, i felt like an uncorked frizbee, adrift in infinite possibilities. i began going the opposite direction than i have been in recent past months, like a rebellious teen. oh yeah, well what if i don’t feel like leaving lots of negative space & making every mark magically right?
i’m feeling extremely tired. perhaps it’s a result of giving myself permission to just fool around. i’m not sure….y
so after all that, i went back into it & scraped & rubbed out everything i did today. what remains is more or less how it looked yesterday, but a bit more ghost-like. actually i kind of like it better. so purple rock II has gone through perhaps more changes than any of the others. i’ll see tomorrow if perhaps i need to put more accents in. that will be a birthday decision.
so now, assuming i don’t do musch more tomorrow, this one may actually be dry enough by saturday to be taken to the gallery along with the others.