DETAIL of windy creek as it looked moments ago
2:31 PM: so today i tackled windy creek, the second of the 48 x 20” canvases intended for the boulder offices i spoke about. initially i had done a version on a pinkish ground, which was interesting, but weak in many respects, BELOW: you see the original version on the left and what i did today on the right.
i feel the image on the beige ground pops more and is more coherent compositionally. i find the detail you see on the right especially delicious, with the juxtaposition of pink & blue together with the white water-ripple forms creating some magic.
one difference between these last 3 & the previous paintings in the series is that rocks now morph into birds; frogs; horse heads….whatever you see. the sign for rocks has opened up to include other beings. yes, i consider the rocks beings. the 3 of them work well together and should be dry enough to bring with us by the time we go to boulder.