post tedx, preparing to return to my studio tomorrow, a painting from 1980 surfaces / by Philip Tarlow

the painting you see above was found in the home of a woman who lived in santa monica. when she died recently, her sister went through her possesions and discovered this painting. she looked at the signature, googled philip tarlow, found my number and called me to confirm the painting is mine. it now hangs in her home. it was painted in egg tempera shortly after my return form 15 streight years in greece, where egg tempera was my main medium. i learned to use this ancient technique from my greek mentors, and when i returned to the usa, i continued to use it. i lived in a penthouse appartment overlooking the sea, and would go out daily and shoot photos of these guys doing their exercises. it turned into a series.

just back from edwards after a lively, compelling stay. the TEDX YOUTH VAIL event was the best yet. it will be available on youTube in a few months ,when i’ll post the link. i was in tears practically the whole time not only because of the content of the presentations, but the heart energy. without exception, they were all coming from a deep, genuine space, informed by personal experiences.

we stayed at a friends house, where we always stay when we’re in edwards about once a month. this time there was a full house. although we didn’t know any of them, by the end, this morning, we were very close, we learned a lot about each other. we laughed a lot. we came up with ideas for each others dreams & visions. we gave each other feedback.

so tomorrow i’ll be back in my studio, and i’ll let you know how that goes.