yellow / by Philip Tarlow

ice in motion 16 oil and oil stick on linen, 36x38”

as i opened the door to my studio this morning, on a stormy, snowy day, i immediately entered a different rhythm. different than yesterday. for the first time in a long time, i felt like putting on music. i have thoudands of songs on an old beat up ipod, form opera to blues & hip hop. i like to put it on shuffle, in keeping with my distaste for predictability. especially since reading the article you see below. here’s the link:

so as i was listening to the music, i got into a groove. it was a yellow groove. i opened my drawer of tubes of yellow oil paint and immediately went for the jeaune brilliant foncé. bored with the tan grounds i’ve been using, it was with great relish, delight and a modicum of mischieviousness that i squeezed the yellow paint onto my palette. what followed may well disappear yet again tomorrow. these 2 paintings seem, for the moment, to like walking together. the one you see below came first and has that first burst of energy and discovery.

iced creek 32x36” collage, oil & oil stick on linen