continuation of the 2/4/19 drawing on arches paper / by Philip Tarlow

DETAIL following todays additions

2:54 PM: to day was our first day back following our trip to edwards to work with the kids & teachers at the middle school on using our product to create and develop projects related to topics the teachers have introduced.

i got the second of two shingles vaccinations on wednesday and, as predicted my arm is swollen & i’m feeling achy & off. so i was only able to work on the drawing for a short time. below you see the changes from the 2/4 version, on the left to todays additions, on the right. assuming i feel better by tomorrow, i may be able to take it further & complete this drawing, and continue work on my vertical scroll project. the unprimed linen should arrive mid-week, so i can begin cutting 84” high strips & experimenting.