sparse reflections revisions continue / by Philip Tarlow

DETAIL of sparse reflections at the end of my painting day

3:57 PM: following our Denver trip, I was able to get back to work on sparse reflections, which I last worked on this past tuesday. my work was interrupted by logistics that needed to be taken care of. sometimes these interruptions work in my favor, resulting in quick darts in & out. I get a hit, pick up an oil pastel crayon, for example, get deep into it, then have to stop to take a call or deal with the guy from the new propane company we’re using who came to switch out the tanks. at some point Mikela came over & gave me her always useful & spot on feedback. usually I take what she observes & turn it into a very loose roadmap of where I need to go next with a painting. what works, what needs an intervention.

BELOW left: the painting on october 29 and right: today at the end of my painting day