sound of a flute over water ii, continued /minoo revisited / by Philip Tarlow

4:09 pm: I shifted gears at around 2, and began doing what I said I might do yesterday: working on 2 paintings, switching back & forth between the two 7 allowing discoveries I made in one spill over to the other, back & forth until both reached what I think is resolution. BELOW: sound of a flute over water II at noon, left & & at the end of my painting day, right.

4:23 PM: and BELOW: minoo, before & after the changes. most of what I focused on is in the upper third of the composition, painting out the passage on the left & re-working the sky & mountains on top.

1:32 PM: Mikela had to leave early to attend a seminar in salad. so I got to work early and made some changes to sound of a flute over water II. the rocks on the bottom are bolder; there are more areas of green; and a cave with 4 little faces has been added on the right. I had said I would simplify today, so thus far there is more complexity. however because of the bolder marks defining the tree trunk in the center & the rocks below, the eye is given more of a sense where to travel. and now, back to work!