12:57: yesterday i had to end my day in the studio at noon, because of the annual lunch event the the Crestone Zen Center. so the only painting i did was to sand & decorate my new found walking stick, which i'll use when we hike up north crestone creek, whch is where i found it. i peeled off the already peeling bark & sanded the top, so it would be smooth to grip. i hadn't intended to decorate it, but as i looked at it freshly oiled (with extra virgin olive oil no less) i remembered being with the aborigines in the australian outback. their totems, sheilds and so on are always beautifully decorated with designs relating, in one way or another, to their songlines.
i used the oil colors that were already on my palette from a few days ago, and just followed my gut, as i do when working on a post-motion series painting.
so now, as soon as the weather clears and the oil paint dries, this walking stick will join us when we walk up the trail. we're hoping to make it up to the lake before the season ends sometime in november. it's about a 4 hour hike each way, we're told. now you may recall we've been promising to hike up to the lake for a couple of years and never made it up. so stay tuned....
1:13 PM: today i worked on a recently whited over painting from 2014. as with all the paintings i've whited over, it has a surface enriched by the many layers of compositions beneath, and is now titled quantum rocks.