back home / by Philip Tarlow

so today i worke don 3 paintings, which you see on my studio wall.2 of the 3 are BELOW. the on eon the left is 42 x 38” and is at the early stages of drawing. on the right, 38 x 36” is a many layered painting which, i think is finding it’s identity. it was a little wierd getting back to work so quickly after a week away. the closer it got to 4 pm, when my mentee was to arrive, the more i got into my groove. it seems, as i told k., that his presence is an you might gather from the image below of what he did today, he’s very good.

7:21 PM: today my mentee, k., arrived at 4pm. i prepared a large piece of paper for him to work on, and provided a book about the mergence of Cubism, with images of the work of picasso & braque.he chose to use the image of a cello, which cannot yet be seen in this photograph of the drawing/painting at the end of the day..

8:32 AM: we arrived back in crestone last night, and i’ll be heading m=to my studio in an hour or two. during our drive from carbondale over the pass to durango, i shot a series of skies, a few of which may be candidates for the sky series of paintings i’ve been contemplating. this is one of them. i’ll continue to blog about todays studio process later in the day.