a fresh valentines beginning / by Philip Tarlow

6:02 PM: i may not be able to resume work on this tomorrow; we have guests in the morning for yemeni coffee. if you haven't tried it, it's unbelievable! when i do get back to it, much of the drawing will be covered over,

motion 10 at 1:08 PM: lookin' kinda wild & crazy, in keeping with the high winds blowing through the valley.
















11:28 AM: at the end of the day yesterday, and while the paint was still fresh & wet, I wiped out everything i could, except for the initial marks i had made in acrylic. 

and today i started fresh, unconsciously focusing on pinks & reds for valentines day. the under-drawing will continue for the remainder of this windy day. it's a relief to have white spaces again, with accents of color flying about. today, i celebrate life, and being in a lively, pulsing body.  

more to follow as the day progresses.