work continues on resting tree today / by Philip Tarlow

tree resting at 3:30 pm

3:33 PM: end of day scrumble. why? it was just what had to happen.

tree resting at 1 pm.

with my mom, liz, at 7 months

1pm: this morning i got a late start, and studied tree resting as i drank my matcha tea. it seemed a bit too grey, and i was wanting something to POP. so i went back into it, strategically using titanium/zinc white to indicate area of ice, but mainly for compositional reasons. i did a few things to the female nude figure, but not too much, so that she looks to be part of the abstracted landscape she occupies. there’s enough information for the viewer to have no doubt that these marks are all inspired by the creek, with it’s rushing water, turned to ice, flowing over rocks. but the painterly marks also could evoke the intimate flavors of a bonnard or vuillard, both of whom are never far from my awareness, along with the 10th C. chinese maters i’m currently studying. strange bedfellows? not really. what seems to be emerging in this stage of my life & work as an artist is the integration of my 7 month old self, seen here with my mother, and my 2018 self.