tweaking& flipping ny central supply / starting tree resting / by Philip Tarlow

ny central supply 38x38” after having been flipped upside down & tweaked

at work this morning on the new tree resting, 32x38”

as anticipated, when i entered the studio this morning i sensed that ny central supply need tweaking. but i wanted to wait, so i started a new one, titled tree resting which is stretched linen 32 x 38” as i got into the drawing, i cast glances at ny central supply. as i prepared to clean up for the day, i grabbed a fan brush and added while marks suggesting water flowing on what was the bottom quadrant of the painting, and is now the top. moments ago i felt the urge to flip the canvas 180 degrees. thus far, i think it was a good move. we’ll see.

tree resting, 32 x 38” as it looked one day 1