katarachtes as it looked at the end of my painting day today
DETAIL of katarachtes at 4:15 PM
4:27 PM: i worked into katarachtes this afternoon, creating a contrasting bright white in the midst of all that grey. it did accomplish my goal of having the painting pop more. the dominanat color remains warm grey, broken by bursts of subdued purples, reds & oranges.
it’s helpful to view a detail like this one, which gives more of a sense of the calligraphic marks i added this morning, mainly in the upper portion.
2:14 PM: i was going to let katarachtes sit & marinate & start a new painting. but i couldn’t help myself, and made some rather chinese-reminiscent changes. they involve one of my fan brushes & dark grey oil paint.
katarachtes at 2 pm today
just now i was re-visiting looking at pictures, the little (4.25x2.75 inches) book by my old friend henry geldzahler, in which he wrote a sweet dedication in 1991, just 3 years before he died of liver cancer. i was wondering what his feedback would have been were he able to see this stage of katarachtes. when it began to go chinese on me, i also remembered mikela’s mom ceil. i never met her, but have heard stories form mikela about how deeply she loved chinese art. so i invited her into my studio space and asked her to join in the fun.
DETAIL of kataqrachtes at 2pm
after looking at it over the past hour, i see it needs more pop. that could happen today, but the skies have darkened again, so i might wait till tomorrow morning.
to read more about henry, visit my story page & scroll down a bit:https://philip-tarlow.squarespace.com/config/pages