2017 gouache interior 2 14x14" gouache on arches paper
3:26 PM: this is where i'm stopping for the day. this is a more complex composition than yesterday's. the elements that will make the difference in the livliness of the image have not yet been painted, such as the rich material of the fabrics on the sofa to the right; the rug on the lower left and the grain of the wood floor. i have painted this room before, in about 2000, but from a different angle. even though 17 years have passed, all the elements in this room are very familiar to me. and somewhere in my awareness, i can see the river vecht out the windows to the right, not visible in this composition. and i can see the very special netherlandish light, bathing everything it touches in a warm glow that, i believe has a lot to do with all the water surrounding, enveloping that small country, as well as the particular cloud formations i've never seen anywhere else. we're hoping to visit this fall, to see our friends gary & loekie and to visit the newly renovated rijksmuseum.
drawing for 2017 gouache interior 2, 14x14"
12:47 PM: the completed drawing; about to squeeze my colors.
12:13 PM: i've begun the drawing for 2017 gouache interior 2, which i should complete today & be ready to start painting tomorrow.