resuming work on gaze 34 /preparing for plein air / by Philip Tarlow

3:23 PM: almost time to go out to the creek and paint. here's the most recent state of gaze 34; no longer comical, but still enigmatic and certainly more obviously inspired by a fayum portrait. work will resume tomorrow morning, when my experience at the creek in an hour or so will most certainly have an effect.





1:27 PM: following our excellent day with the local HS students yesterday, i'm back in the studio continuing work on gaze 34.  the image has shifted to one of my favorite fayum portraits. yesterdays collaging, scraping and general scumbling has provided a rich environment for this new image. at the moment, he appears to have mickey mouse ears, and is appropriately enigmatic/comical in his gaze. ridiculous, i might even venture to say.

let's see how it evolves. in the mean time,' i'm preparing my first foray out to the creek to paint plein air, for now in gouache on paper. i'll update when i have pics to post.

BELOW: the stages of my gaze 34 revision, chronologically starting form the upper left: