3:13 PM: right on schedule, thunder is heard in the distance, the light is fading and dark storm clouds are moving in rapidly. so i may call it a day, albeit a short one. but satisfyingly productive, i'd say.
she now has a distinct presence, and when i cast a quick gaze at her, i like who she is becoming. the little symmetrical colored dots are becoming increasingly part of my language. i always check in to make sure the painting is asking for them, as there is a distinct danger of using them repetitively in a mindless way. that little phrase could describe much of our lives, sad to say.
2:51 PM: here's the first layer of work for today. beneath it, if you follow these posts, you will know there are numerous layers of gaze paintings; none of which really made the cut. this image is derived from a series of beautiful photos of native american teenage girls, shot in the late 1890's, which i discovered in a link posted by a friend on facebook yesterday. her gaze is indeed mysterious and haunting; we'll see if it translates.
10:42 AM: just back from picking up 2 dozen of judy's fabulous eggs, which she brings to the kiosk in crestone every saturday morning, first come first serve. can you believe that you can taste that her hens are happy hens? well, you can, i guarantee it.
shortly, after my hour of editIng actionlab360 curriculum. this morning i'm editing the empathy chapter; should be able to complete by 11:30, and then to my studio.
yesterday, july 1, was the day my dad would take me to grand central station in NYC to meet the other campers, sonya & otto, to board the train for birchwoods, 14 miles from northampton in huntington, mass. i attended from july 1-august 31 every summer from age 5 to age 15. here i am with my bunk mates; i'm on the lower right. this was my dream space. it shaped who i am today big time. the experiences i had at birchwoods are vividly alive in my being.