2:41 PM: grey 24, not unlike many of it's brothers and sisters, underwent a complete transformation this morning. there was even a sex change involved! it's more in line with my intention of creating a companion piece for grey 12, which is also based upon a 1st c. fayum portrait and has the same dimensions: 38x38". i couldn't have done what you see below on the right had i not worked on it flat on a table. there's something about that way of working on this series that allows for less mind chatter. more changes tomorrow. i think we may take a one day break from walking, so i'll be able to get an early start and run the full cycle of my usual 6 hour cycle.
BELOW: the painting before and after.
2:35 PM: this morning we left the house at 5:30 am for our trail walk, and returned at 9:15. we pressed past our point we had reached last time and entered new and exciting territory. we had never seen this precarious bridge over the tumultuous water. the logs were wet and slippery, so we crawled across. but on the way back i was able to negotiate it upright, with the help of my trekking poles to steady me. at this point we're about 3 hours from the lake. today made us feel we can make it up there no problem, although the last little bit is supposed to be difficult. BELOW: some of the shots i took on the way.