2:36 PM: gaze 26 is now inspired by a 1st c. fayum painting. i painted most of this today while listening to a youtube video with a rare lucien freud interview in which he addresses some of the same issues i face, as do most artists. such as, how do you deal with it when you're on a roll? he mentions various things he tries to do so that his streak continues, concerning for example sleep and food, all of course to no avail. he is very vulnerable in this interview. i may stop for the day even though it's early. i'm tired and it's probably best to wait till the morning.
i've embedded the video clip below, and the bit i'm referring to occurs at 2 min. 34 sec. of the clip.
1:32 PM: when you are painting humans, you've got the best subjects in the world lucien freud
i met him briefly in london in the '70's.
10:02 AM: i've done some work on gaze 26 this morning. this is what it looks like right now. so, is this an abstract painting because there is no immediately recognizable representational image or passage? what is your opinion? if you knew the previous state, which you can view if you scroll down to my june 23 post, you will readily detect what remains of the face, neck and sleeve of the woman in this vermeer inspired painting. otherwise, you might eventually see it, but it will have already become part of your experience of the overall abstract composition! so which is it? or is it neither? i may take it further soon; stay tuned.
this rock, bathed in morning light, sits next to my roaster on our kitchen counter
6:48 AM: we ended up not doing our trail walk this morning, which means i'll get an earlier start than i had thought. and we don't need to be at the crestone brewpub opening till 5 or 6 pm, so i have a full day in front of me.
ron, harwood & trish at gremillion in houston have selected the 5 paintings in my gaze series below to be sent to the gallery. we'll prepare them for shipping asap & they should be in houston by the end of the week.