6:46 PM: grey 24 is now hanging in our living room. i can see where it needs a bit of work tomorrow, around the mouth area
4:10 PM: just posted this video on you tube. i created it so that it could be played at a tribute to the late, great actress, christina tsingou. christina was best known for her parts in samuel beckett's plays, especially the part of winnie in happy days. she starred in productions of beckett's plays in paris and athens.
i created this 5 minute video as a contribution to an event taking place tomorrow evening at my son dimitri's athens theatre, poreia. a selection of her letters will be read at the event. I'm thinking of doing a version in english.
2:26 PM: stopping here for today. i think she has finally found her voice. there are a few details that bother me, like the light on the lower lip, which pops too much & needs to be pushed back. but i'll do that in the morning when i'm fresh. compositionally, this painting is very close to grey 18, but i've learned a lot since then, and it shows. i've taken more chances with this one, taken it further and as a result, she said "OK, i'm comin' out man." when you gaze at the actual, physical painting, you can feel her breath on you. she owns the east wall of my studio, where she hangs for now. it's 22 ft. wide & she owns the whole dam wall.
11:28 AM: at work on grey 24
10:13 AM: following an unusual 9:30 am thunderstorm, i'm ready to dive back in to grey 24, which is still searching for it's identity as am i.
BELOW: the sky just as the morning thunderstorm hit, and 2 crestone conglomerate rock outside my studio doo, wet from the rain, which revealed their beauty.