back again. back to our magic skies and our trail walks. the snowmelt has picked up with warmer temps, and the creek has increased in volume and speed. and sound. we discovered interval training. check it out:
tomorrow i'm going to change grey 21's lights, a greek expression meaning i'm going to add another layer, with a totally different image. (θα του αλλαξω τα φωτα!)
3:53 PM: a bit more work before going out to walk
2:34 PM: since re-entering my studio for the first time in a week, i've been re-working grey 21, which is now drawing from a 1st century fayum portrait. the surface is now heavily layered, with scratches, scrapes and with some of the underlying collaged maps peeking through. i think the green bit of map on the upper right adds a critical balance to the overall current composition, as does the bit of blue ocean in the map on the lower right.
the swirls of black hair in the beard and head are always a painters dream. painters throughout the ages have delighted in them, from the fayum painters to vermeer and titian. the white tunic is also a device painters have loved introducing, whatever form they might take. i have to sit with this one for a while to determine my next step, if there is one. below, a few earlier stages of this painting, starting with may 15 on the left, through this morning on the right.