3:30 PM: grey 16 will definitely transform tomorrow. this stage was fun, but it's not where i'm going with this series. see you tomorrow!
2:30 PM: a panorama of my studio shot just now.
2:30 PM: as you can see, i did do more work on grey 16, and i think the painting is the better for it. the bubble wrap technique i invented (i'm sure others have used it, but i just stumbled upon it) replicates the marks one sees as a result of the multiple seams between the thousands of mosaic pieces. this, i believe, is a variation on vermeer's breaking up of the space as he observed his subject through the camera obscura. however you arrive at it, it's very seductive for a painter, allowing us to see macroscopically and microscopically simultaneously, and providing a richness to the surface.
BELOW LEFT: detail of the original mosaic
BELOW RIGHT: detail of grey 16
1:25 PM: stage 1; so far, i'm into this mosaic prototype and have no urge to pivot.....we'll see where it goes. it's pretty fucking gorgeous just as you see it, and there's always that desire to leave it in it's primordial state...really? primordial?? here are some synonyms:
instinctive, primitive, basic, primal, primeval, intuitive, inborn, innate, inherent, visceral
drawing for grey 16, 32x32"
11:39 AM: drawing for grey 16
10:48 AM: i'm about to start work on grey 16; pics of my process as i progress
this is a study i made in 1972 at the british museum in london, of a fayoum portrait painted in the second century AD.