resolving my wi-fi problem / by Philip Tarlow

7:51 AM: my break from painting continues and will continue until the symptoms subside and i feel able to engage in the very physical activity of creating the grey series paintings. 

yesterday i rested. in addition, i solved the problem that sprang up 2 days ago, after a power surge blew out our wireless router. our local provider gave us a new one free of charge, but it doesn't have a port for the cable that goes to our external antenna and delivers the signal to my studio. this system has not been working well, so i've been getting a weak, intermittent signal in the studio. a pain in the ass.

the tech person at crestone telecom recommended a "nano station" solution, with a device on the roof of our house (thus avoiding the tree branches) sending the wi-fi signal to a second device at the studio. this device works well up to 1/4 mile, and the studio is only 500 ft. from the house, so this will give me a far stronger signal than i've had in the past, and should solve my problem. it arrives tomorrow and will be installed on thursday.