short snowstorm video on facebook/more work on grey2/the lacemaker lll / by Philip Tarlow

a '90's painting of mine" we see every morning on our west bedroom wall: karen sleeping/maarssen interior 42x40" oil on linen 1999. it's one of a series of interiors I painted of a friend's home on the river vecht in the netherlands.

i made many paintings and drawings of interiors during the decade of the '90's, mostly of our friend's house in maarssen and a variety of apartments in paris, where we used to travel 4X a year to lead seminars. 





6:53 PM: it was a bust, as often happens here in the baca grande. maybe 4-5 inches. we'll take what we can get.

12:45 PM: i hadn't intended to paint today, but since i was here working on re-editing the video we shot of the kids in edwards using actionlab for the first time, i decided to do a little work on the painting that used to be grey2/the guitar player. i didn't like how it turned out, so i started working over it and, lo, it turned into a 3rd version of the lacemaker. 

i'll work more on it when we return from edwards, where we're driving again tomorrow, assuming the road conditions permit.

the storm kicked in about 8 am. about a foot+ is forecast. go to my facebook post, at philip tarlow, for a short video.