gaze 33 resumes after a one week break / by Philip Tarlow

2:25 PM: i'm stopping a bit early today. yesterday was a long one & i'm tired. here's where gaze 33 is at right now; i'll resume work in the morning.








1:33 PM: it's always a thrill returning to my studio after a week away. it took me a few hours of fooling around to jump in and begin painting. i would say the strongest visual input i've had during my break was our visit yesterday to pattern shop studio in denver yesterday. my old friend chrissi schlessinger was in town, and took us to meet her friends sharon & rex brown, owners of the gallery. in 1991 they brought an old factory in the  RiNo district and, working with architect david owen tryba, transformed it into a magnificent gallery space, where they live as well. during our brief visit, all i saw on the walls were patterns; beautiful paintings by 5 artists participating in the exhibition celebrating the gallery's 25th anniversary. in one fell swoop, they shifted my thoughts on patterns in painting.

so, that said, here's gaze 33 as it looked a few minutes ago, drying on my studio floor under my big-ass ceiling fan.