2:35 PM: the end of my painting day & time for a walk. has it sung yet? maybe. maybe a few notes....maybe an aria...
we'll see once i bring it to the house in a few minutes. today was a dance of sorts; maintaining my focus on the whole space of the painting, while putting my attention on the features of the face.
it's a surprise, this direction my painting is taking. it's illuminating the path i've taken in my work over the past 4 decades or so. a path that has taken me from the american explosion of abstract expressionism; through the exquisite icons and wall paintings of the byzantine tradition and it's 20th c. threads in athens and back again, to an anarchic artistic reality that forces me to look towards indigenous roots and centuries old european masters for support and inspiration. speaking of which, sure wish we could get to san francisco for the bonnard show, but it's doubtful.
12:50 PM: getting closer, but it hasn't sung yet...
12:10 PM: current state of the painting. lots of work done; more to do...
10:10 am: the girl with the red hat is back on the easel i'll continue work on this one as soon as i squeeze my colors onto the palette. updates as they become available...