5:06 pm: so here's the stretched 48x48" canvas for parade 52, on the easel and waiting for me to get started tomorrow morning. i feel better about the image now that the canvas id stretched, and i think i have a better idea of where i'll begin. once i start, the painting pretty much lets me know where to go, as long as i have an uniterrupted stretch of time in front of me. tomorrow we have to leave about 4:00 pm for a meeting in alamosa, so i'll have to get to work promptly to give myself enough time to clean up & change.
12:11 pm: back in the studio, i've decided to go with the image i selected as is. you can kind of make out the completed 48x48" drawing here on the right. the canvas is not yet stretched, which is why it looks wrinkled. i'm about to stretch it. i'll decide once that's done whether to start painting today or wait till tomorrow. it's kind of an experiment. so whether it's successful or not, i always learn from my experiments. if you click on works in the menu bar, then parade series, you can peruse the rest of the series to date, and you'll see there's nothing quite like this, although of course they have in common that they are all based on images viewed from above.
looking east at the sangre de christo's from our deck yesterday, 7:15 pm
9:16 am: these early evening skies lately are all paintable. the exquisite color lasts only moments, just like all the exquisite things in life.
on the LEFT: same time, looking west
i'm doing proofing in the house now, and after i meditate & make mikela her second thermos, 1/4 of which i drink, i'll head to the studio & make a decision regarding the nature of the image for parade 52, 48x48." i'm concerned it might be lacking in punch and too reliant on the abstract shapes in the floor i so loved painting in parade 48, which you see here. i've magnified that area of the image and zeroed in on just that lower portion of the painting, and am concerned it might be too fuzzy, with no distinct shapes to anchor it. now is the time to make this decision!