2:50 pm: i'm cooked! so i'll quit for the day and resume tomorrow morning. so this piece of sculpture is by stephen shachtman, and was included in the exhibition i photographed at space gallery, which is up for one more day. i'm newly a member of the gallery and don't know stephen, but, as i said earlier, i've fallen in love with this piece, with it's geometric rigor and subtle, painterly colors and marks. i see in it a suggestion of reference to the human form.
i can't wait to get back to work on this painting and see how it evolves.
BELOW: 2 details of parade 51.
1:35 pm: we have dinner guests tonight, so i'll stop around 3. right now i'm working on parade 51 & will share photos shortly. remember a few days back when i talked about falling in love with a large sculpture in the composition, which i was drawing that day? well, i'm painting it right now. and the more i paint, the more in love with it i fall. you'll see what i mean soon enough....
12:33 pm: this is me with my dad about 6 months before he died. today is his birthday. happy birthday dad!
behind us is just a small sampling of his books. he was an inveterate researcher into topics related to jewish mysticism and had strong opinions, most of which the rabbis in the temples we attended vehemently disagreed with. he objected to the word god and preferred instead creator. he was deep into the zohar and felt strongly about the tragic mistranslation of the old testament which, in his own humble way. he spent years working on correcting. "tragic" because such mistakes as "and man shall have dominion over the beasts of the field" have been directly responsible for our decimation of species, when in fact the original is more like "and man shall be custodian of......" i learned a lot from my dad. his name was roy. roy tarlow. a sweetheart of a man.
8:38 am: yesterday evening there was a very powerful thunderstorm about 2-3 miles to our southeast, over the sangres. the sky turned a color you'll find hard to believe, but this shot is not doctored. i only adjusted the size and clarity of the image, not the colors.
just after the sun set, this storm produced very high winds at our house before it dissipated. no rain however; it was all to our southeast.
more when i get to the studio.....