2:30 pm: as i mention below, today is devoted to combing through over 8,000 i-phone photos for material we can potentially use in our actionlab product. along the way, i came across this detail of a franz hals painting i photographed on one of our visits to the met. it beautifully illustrates the painterly quality i often refer to in my posts.
since the topic of the day is my hand surgery, i chose this hals detail. it leaves no doubt as to the meaning of the painterly quality of brush work found throughout hals' oeuvre.
9 am: we returned from denver yesterday afternoon.my trigger finger surgery early yesterday morning went smoothly, and i'll be recovering for the next couple of weeks. we return to denver at the end of the month, when my surgeon will remove the stitches and i'll be able to start painting again. but there's lots i can do with partial use of my right hand, including some important photographic work for our educational startup, actionlab.
my experience of surgery was excellent. my anesthesiologist dave was terrific, and accommodated our wishes to have the least possible amount of anaethesia, so that i was sort of awake during the entire procedure....more or less. the results can be felt immediately, and my surgeon asked me to flex the affected ring finger once she had released the tendon, to make sure it had worked.
BELOW: seen while driving home yesterday