3:23 pm: here's how parade 47 looks at the end of my painting day. tomorrow should see significant development, which i'm looking forward to. but today, i must admit, i'm thrilled to be at the end of my painting day. i got only 4 hours sleep last night, plus at about 2 pm, after 15 days with no problems, i got another of those ocular migraines. i did have it checked out by my eye doc, and it's nothing to worry about. but it's disconcerting, especially for an artist, to suddenly have part of your visual field pixilate and stay that way for about half an hour.
BELOW LEFT: here's what the whole 56x12 painting looks like right now. the unpainted 2/3 is where the drama occurs, so tune in tomorrow to watch it unfold. and on the right, a detail of the upper third.
11:49 am: STAGE 1 of the new parade 47, 56x12"
as with earlier parade paintings, this one will progress slowly, from the top down. i might not get that much done today, since i didn't sleep well & am feeling somewhat off. so i'll have tomorrow to work on it before leaving sunday for denver, where we have action lab meetings and then
10:05 am: i'm about to start work on the new parade 47. pics as they become available.
BELOW: the morning sky before sunrise, at 6 am, as we took our walk. the temperature was a chilly 45 F, but it kept the mosquitoes away & we didn't need our netted mosquito jackets. on the left: looking west across the san luis vally towards the san juan mountains and on the right: looking east at crestone peak