continuing revisions on parade 41 / by Philip Tarlow

2:23 pm: so i've completed my revisions and additions to parade 41. i think it's a much improved painting. as always, time and careful observation will tell. a good clue however, is that i can't imagine how this painting existed without the figure i added this morning.

i included 6 details of figures or groupings of figures. if you click on them, you'll get a much better sense of how they are painted. i have been reading lately about the death of painting. i think reports of it's demise are greatly exaggerated. one hopes ones efforts transcend time.

my abstract compositions and collages depend entirely upon the essential elements of painting: color, composition, drawing, etc. these parade paintings, all focused as they are on views of people from above, are also communicating my experience of the human condition. i haven't set out to deliver a message. but there does seem to be one. the way we are in our bodies, they way we interact, or not, is simply beautiful. it is my choice to include mostly meditative moments, where people come together and are largely steeped in their own worlds and thoughts. occasionally we interact. our environments, including our interactions, dictate how we hold or place our bodies. sometimes, as happens in the netflix serial sense8, which we are currently so absorbed in, we recognize one another. some previously unsuspected connection.

11:45 am: today, before moving on to parade 46, i'm continuing the revisions i started yesterday to parade 41. revisions to a painting completed over a month a ago are tricky, so i'm moving cautiously. but i did introduce a new figure: the one in the gold shirt, in the upper center of the painting. i think this works in the flow of the composition from the upper left to the lower right, but now i'm feeling some of the darker colors i added yesterday, especially the dark blue shirt , need to be softened. so that's what i'm about to do. more pics later.