6:59 pm update: i did do a bit more work on parade 41 before leaving the studio, and shot a detail of the final version with my iphone before leaving, which you see BELOW. So what's DIFFERENT about this one from previous parade paintings? if you compare it, by going to the parade page, you will that i've learned from what came before. take the male figure with the blue shirt, for example. the blue of his shirt begins breaking up, until it moves from a solid color to parallel brush marks. so, you ask? so there is, for starters, a tip of the hat to van gogh. gotta go out; more later.
3:28 PM update: this is the current state of parade 41. the light has been uneven today, with thunderstorms rolling through. i may try to continue for another little bit, to maintain the energy of the direction i'm taking with this one.
parade 41 44"x44" at 3:28 PM today
1:08 pm update: an approaching storm. right and left: the sky to the west. center: to the east
12:20 pm update: as i work on parade 41, decisions are made about spaces left or not left in the dance that is about animating the living, breathing canvas.....
looking east toward crestone peak at 10 am
11:20am update: i'm at work on the painting and will share pics when i'm further along. in the mean time, this is the eastern sky looking from our house at 10 am. will we be rained out of our walk for a third consecutive day?
11:20am update: i'm at work on the painting and will share pics when i'm further along. in the mean time, this is the eastern sky at 10 am. will we be rained out of our afternoon walk for the third day in a row?
DETAIL: parade 35 60"x60" oil on portrait linen
8AM update: at about 10 i'll go to the studio and continue work on parade 41. here are parade 30 and 40 hanging together on our stairs. and here's a detail of parade 35, which is 60"x60" and hangs in our west living room.
to view the entire parade series to date, click on the parade series link BELOW
parade 41 as i left it yesterday afternoon