the eastern sky at 5pm
5:19 pm update: more storms, edging us closer to breaking the all time record for crestone. the skies change moment to moment; brilliant sun breaks through between bouts of wind and rain. more like seattle than the san luis valley.
4:21pm update: i spent hours combing through potential images for the next painting. i decided i make these important decisions too quickly. so i've narrowed it down, but haven't yet decided, and in the mean time am making progress marking off and stretching the canvas. more storms today, in a record breaking cycle that never ends, and has hit texas and oklahoma hard.
DETAIL: parade 40, 12x56"
1:23pm update: well, i'm working on selecting an image for the next parade painting, which will be parade 41. right now, i can tell you the size will be 44x44." and i'm hoping later this afternoon to have settled on an image, which will likely be a companion piece to one of the ones i've already completed. in the mean time, here's a delicious detail of the now resolved parade 40, which will be joining parade 39 at the house to undergo scrutiny in a few days.
8:43 am update: once one of the parade series is completed, it travels 500 feet to our house, where it is hung in a kind of test run. if it survives days of scrutiny while we're cooking and washing dishes, it gets the "completed" seal of approval and becomes a candidate for my november show. here is parade 39 hanging on the north wall of our east living room. thus far, it has passed the test. it has an unexpectedly ritualistic feeling, and is a great example of how the ordinary everyday, filtered through the perception of an artist who has engaged for most of his life in this arena, can be transformed and become art.
in an hour or so i'll walk over to the studio and begin the process of choosing the next parade series image.