yesterday's creek walk / resuming work on "ano kato 54" / by Philip Tarlow

3:03 pm: stopping for the day. i did a lot on this painting today, and i feel like i want to let it sit and digest the changes it experienced before i dive back in. yep. i do think of each painting as a living, breathing being with needs and desires. in the morning it may tell me which direction it wants to take.

on the right, an interesting detail that may or may not stay as know from previous paintings in this series that sometimes there are "unfinished" areas that actually enrich the space.

1:29 pm: current state of the painting; a quick iPhone shot:







7:54 am: yesterday afternoon we walked up north crestone creek trail. in our prep for hiking up to the lake; about 5 miles up the trail, we walked further than ever. we went up to about 10,000 ft., a total of 2.25 miles starting at the trail head, 8,300 ft. we had a spectacular view of the valley and of the peaks above us.