4:51 pm: so that's it; the paintings have all been shipped to Gremillion in Houston, and will be in the gallery tuesday. it was a bit of a struggle, and we'd do it differently next time. we facilitated an event at a truely extraordinary denver school all day today. here are some pics. right now we're having a beer & happy hour stuff, so i'll write more later. and on the bottom right, one of the beautiful shots our friend martin took of the lunar eclipse.
6:35 am: in a meeting with one of our IT team yesterday and a call to the other, we received confirmation that the first iteration of our actionlab platform will be ready to go, deliver to the kids & teachers & begin testin by the end of this month. YEA!
the final group of paintingswill be shipped to houston this afternoon, and the gallery should have them by monday. YEA!
on the RIGHT: a detail of moma 2, 48x48", which is one of the paintings that will be shipped later today.