the 22 paintings for my gremillion show / The Roost / more shipping & exhibition prep / by Philip Tarlow

12:37 pm: so i just now completed putting together a 2 page doc with all 22 paintings that will be in my exhibition at gremillion & co. fine art, houston, opening november 5th. these two sheets will accompany the paintings being sent, so that the staff at the gallery can log them and give each of them ID numbers. and here they are.

8:59 amYesterday afternoon on our way down from our trail walk, we saw The Roost parked at one of the camp sites.. It is filmmaker Joel Wolpert's pickup truck home. His wife was there along with his 6 year old son, who had just climbed one of our 3 "fourteeners" yesterday. So a 6 year old scaled a 14,300 ft. peak! He gave me his DVD, which we'll watch today. The Roost has a beautifully crafted and finished pine structure atop it's flatbed, which is their living space as they travel around the southwest. Absolutely stunning. A very cool guy to talk with.