6/15/14 rock people revisioned/48x24" / by Philip Tarlow

my revision is on the left. the earlier version may be more impactful at first, but doesn't go anywhere upon further viewing. i pulled out a book of vermeer's work and began drawing into version 1 with graphite, loosely basing my drawing on his spectacular love letter painting.

the idea for the continuous band of color on the right came from the left side of love letter; the green, from mikela's call an hour ago about how well the greens worked in 2 recent pieces we hung in the house. at the same time i was browsing through a dekooning catalogue, observing the painterly, improvisational transmutations so many of his '50's women paintings underwent, sometimes happening over years.

it's like doing the fox trot the way my mother taught me, down in our basement in valley stream: step-step back, step-step back.... and suddenly shifting into the twist, then jumping forward decades into hip hop, reverting to aboriginal moves, while all the while dreaming diebenkorn.  

i'd love to go back into some recent paintings and shake them up. maybe i will.