4/1/14 2 collages revised today / by Philip Tarlow

top row: zorkos bay, 48x24 inches. left: before revisions/right: after revisions

2nd row: xanadu way, 38x38 inches. left: before revisions/right: after revisions

the revisions today on these 2 pieces happened, as they always do, in a mysterious way. it's not what i intended when i walked into my studio this morning. in yesterday's  blog i quoted from an interview with ellsworth kelly, which is appropriate for what happened today:

most of the time there have to be adjustments during the painting. through the painting of it i find the color and i work the form and play with it and it adjusts itself.

my experience has been, i do as much work on these collages when i'm sleeping or meditating as i do when i'm in my studio. 

NEWS re: melbourne, hellenic museum exhibition

yesterday i had a call with john toutoulis, director of the hellenic museum in melbourne. we will be co-curating an exhibition at the museum, opening september 2015. the focal point will be the "athens school" of painting active in the '60's & '70's. the paintings of yannis tsarouchis, who was our inspiration and, one might say, leader of the movement, will be featured, as well as myself and 2 other artists representative of this period.

visit the "recent melbourne article' page on the menu bar to read the feb. 1 article and interview that started the ball rolling.