3/5/14 1 new collage and a revision of yesterday's / by Philip Tarlow

i revised yesterday's collage and removed the white band in the center, which was distracting. in addition, the red strip on the right was too big and demanded my attention to the detriment of the composition. scroll down one blog to see the difference.

today's collage has a slip sliding slap dash air about it, reminiscent of abstract expressionist prototypes. interesting when you consider that all the deconstructed, collaged black calligraphic strokes are directly inspired by the work of 11th c. chinese calligrapher huang tingjian.

i documented the stages of development, which i'll post tomorrow along with a short youtube video. as with almost all these collages, it started as a riff on my north crestone creek plein air paintings, and includes some of the calligraphic marks i made yesterday on large sheets of paper, then cut up. more and more i understand the spirit of jazz riffs.