11/9/14 "best left unsaid 11" finita la musica... & i am a bridge / by Philip Tarlow

2:11 pm update: finita la musicapassata la fiesta, as they say in italy (and greece.) 

a new figure has been introduced. the composition has livened up. and the best left unsaid aspect (read my 9/7 blog for what that means) is alive and well in the "unfinished" look of the paint trailing off into a gestural squiggle. oh, how i love those gestural squiggles! 

we'll be in vail and edwards, colorado the next few days meeting with teachers & students, introducing them to our educational product, designed to put education more into the student's hands, and introduce project based learning into all subject areas. we'll be piloting it this winter in middle and high schools the vail valley. we may see some snow fall while we're there. i'm going to try to continue blogging from the road.....

12:46pm update: i've decided to add the figure you see drawn in in the detail on the right. it was borrowed from a parade photo shot from an athens, greece balcony in 2009. this transposition of figures will be a first, in part inspired by a local crestone kid who stayed up all night a few weeks ago attempting to take a figure from one online game & move it to another. at 4am, he succeeded.

i'm thinking of some radical solutions to paint myself literally out of a corner. more as the day progresses. the current state, following last night's removal of the paint in the lower left is below, with a detail on the right.


i'm thinking about the exhibition we are planning, with the director of the melbourne hellenic museum for late 2016. it will showcase the athens school of painters, in the '60's-'70's, of which i was a part. i will be one of 4 artists representing that movement, which was centered on painting the everyday. i'm beginning to get that i, as the only living member of the 4, am a bridge. take the painting you see on this page, for example; indeed the entire best left unsaid series, could not, would not have existed were it not for my connection to those 3 artists. so i'm thinking about that, and how to best illustrate it in this exhibition and in the accompanying catalogue. maybe i need to create a new page on this site, devoted to the exploration of this topic. yesterday, for example, i read an article sent by my friend louis in houston, about the italian 16th c. painter moroni and how, towards the end of his career, after losing most of his commissions and returning to his small home town, followed his heart (nothing to lose, he thought) and painted what was, at the time a revolutionary subject: a simple tailor. the art world, at the time, was scandalized! the four of us, in the tradition he began, which was continued by caravaggio & then took a different form with the nabis, in 19th c. paris, painted everyday events and trades people. not exclusively, but it was an essential part of our direction. more later, gotta get to work!