10/23/14 "best left unsaid 9" & a look at some details of the "best left unsaid" series / by Philip Tarlow

2:31 pm: below is the current state of the painting i've been working on for the past three days, best left unsaid 9. on rows 2 & 3 are details of the painting. if you click on them, they'll become full screen.

this is the longest i've worked on any painting in this series. i'll have to wait till tomorrow to see if it feels complete. what i can say, in surveying the other paintings in this series (see the details of some of the others below) i stat there's comparatively very little in this one that is "unsaid," or unfinished, as i discuss in my 9/7/14 post. the fact that it's taken a different turn may have to do with the fact that i couldn't do it in one sitting, as i prefer. inspire of that, i do love this one, and i may use another moma photo when i choose the image for #10 in the series. or, i may use the exact same image, with far more suggestive, sketched-in space.

here is a collection of details from the best left unsaid series. have a look and see what you get from them.

today, i'm continuing work on the latest, best left unsaid 9. i'll post images later this afternoon.