you may have noticed that recent additions to this series of collages, which can be found under "collage" on the home page menu, contain images of watches. while i'm working on these pieces, i'm referring back to my plain air paintings of n. crestone creek, the title of my december show in houston. so while the main imagery in these collages relates to the creek, lately watch images have begun appearing.
if you click on the individual collages you will see that five of the more recent ones contain bits and pieces of watches, and that they have all been snipped from pages of certain issues of the WSJ devoted periodically to high end watches.
my friend louis skidmore in houston, whose son chris is one of the sales staff at gremillion & co. fine art, where i show my work, sends me anything he comes across in print having to do with watches, as he knows i'm passionate about them.
below, a look at my collage work space as it appeared this morning.
my collage workspace as it looked this morning. in the foreground, a section of the WSJ, with it's characteristic matt pink color, devoted to watches.