shi creek re-visited (see 7/15 blog for earlier stage) / by Philip Tarlow

i've been looking at shi creek since it was painted on july 15th. recently, my work has become bolder. today, i took the plunge and began re-working it. it's not there yet, but i feel good about the direction; it already has more of a clear identity, but it's a little too busy. It can no longer be classified as anemic however, which is my feeling about the previous version.

10/18 shi creek became coherent today and exhibits some of that sexual slipsliding quality i admire in dekooning. as i had anticipated, the work is getting stronger as the date for my gremillion show draws closer. the title morphed and has become max creek, in honor of max, the 12 year old son of our friend suzanne, who was painting along with me in my studio on october 18th, when max creek came together.

STAGE 2 (final) of revision: 10/18


10/17/13 shi creek 72x38"

acrylic & collaged paper on canvas

shi creek on 7/15/13