july 18th, with "celebration XIV" by Philip Tarlow

12:53 PM: yesterday we both had our new covid booster shots at the pharmacy in alamosa. so today we’re predictably achy and tired. we’re taking the day off, so instead of posting what i’m working on today in my studio, i’ll be posting recent and not so recent paintings and commenting.

going back about a year, this is a 6-19-23 creek watercolor which i made on site at one of our local creeks, which are about 8,500 ft. altitude and run down from the 14,000 ft. sangre de christo mountain peaks.

celebration 25 -next stage by Philip Tarlow

celebration 25, 24x32” oil on portrait linen

2:56 PM: i introduced a new figure into the composition today, a female basketball player from the 2024 paris olympics. so now both female figures were participants in the olympics. i think the overall composition has improved, and the painting now, as i gaze at it hanging on the same wall as others in the series, looks like it belongs.

continued work on celebration 25 by Philip Tarlow

3:47 PM: after whiting over the entire painting this morning and starting a new composition, i decided to wipe it and return to the original composition, with the skateboarder & the seated student viewed from above.

snce then, i’ve been re-working the skateboarder, however i was interrupted by issues starting our car. so i spent the rest of the afternoon, making an appointment to have it checked out a week from today. until then, we’ll leave it parked in opur driveway and keep our fingers crossed that it starts up next tuesday morning, when we’ll drive 4 hours to the dealer in denver & pick up a rental vehicle.

that said, i did manage to do some good work on the skateboarder figure, and will pick it up again tomorrow morning.

starting celebration 25, 24x32" by Philip Tarlow

celebration 25, 24x32” oil on portrait linen, as she looked at the end of my painting day today

2:05 PM: this morning i started painting celebration 25, 24x32”

2 days ago i stretched this portrait linen canvas and applied a broken italian sienna ground, leaving some of hte white canvas showing. my intention in doing that was to incorporate those resulting white shapes into the composition. if you can imagine the two figures i’ve painted thus far on a plain white or sienna ground, you’ll see what i mean.

the figure on the left was inspired by one of the 2024 paris olympics skateboarders; the one on the right derives from a series of photos i shot some years ago of students in one of the schools we were working with at the time. this girl is sitting on the floor next to the lockers, at work on her laptop.

i have no predetermined plan when i start the paintings in this series; rather, i follow the energy in the moment, which i know may sound kind of new age, but i can’t say it any other way. i now have a menagerie of figures in various settings; mostly architectural, and before staring work on a new painting i browse through them and pick out 3 or 4 that grab me.

and at any moment, they may be painted over. as the 19th c. french artist Roussel'‘s son in law Jacques Salomon said:

beware, never let Roussel retouch one of his works…you won’t recognize it…from the sea, he makes a field of wheat!”

completing & signing celebration 19 by Philip Tarlow

the completed celebration 19, 20x38” oil & collage on portrait linen

1:05 PM: my first glance let me know all is good, although i did add a bit more red to the vertical line on the right edge of the composition before signing and dating it. so it’s now available for sale, price upon request.

it will be included in my next solo show, date and location to be announced.

continued work on "celebration 19" by Philip Tarlow

celebration 19, 20x38” oil & collage on portrait linen, as she looked at the end of my painting day

2:56 PM: today i think i may reached resolution with celebration 19. i collaged some cut up pieces of recent quill drawings, along with a piece of a map of paris. the blue of the sea in that map enlivens the entire composition and, along with a few blue stripes on the top & bottom right and the pink strip i added yesterday to the right edge of the painting, allow her to sing her song.

now that i’ve finally reached this place of aliveness and delicate balance with this painting, i’m looking at her brothers & sisters hanging to the right and left of her, as well as below her, and getting hits on what i might do that would provide them with a similar subtelty. do i dare go back into them, or start something new on the 38x38” canvas i stretched yesterday? stya tuned!

more work this morning on "celebration 19" by Philip Tarlow

celebration 19 as she looked at 3pm

3:11 PM: after a few more tweaks, here’s what she looks like

celebration 19, 20x38" oil & collage on portrait linen,  as she looked following the work i did this morning

12:42 PM: my all important first glance at the changes i made yesterday to celebration 19 let me know more needed to be done. my eye got confused and lost in the multitude of marks that were not essential.

so this morning, with my fresh energy and despite a poor nights sleep last night, i dove back in with fervor. here’s where she’s at as of noon. in poetic terms, i’d say she’s fluxotonic.

returning to celebration 19 by Philip Tarlow

4:39 PM: i started out thinking i was just going to lighten the upper part of celebration 19, and ended up spending the whole day working on it. here’s how it looked moments ago, and below is how it looked before i started working on it.

new collage / a new drawing from our trip to salida / yesterday’s sunset sky by Philip Tarlow

untitled collage, 12x18.5” created just now

12:45 PM: i just made a collage using cutouts of calligraphic marks i made last month and was intending to use in my new paintings.

9:44 AM: yesterday we drove to salida so i could get my right eye checked out. it turned out to be nothing; likely the after effects of an ocular migraine i had the previous night. as always, i had my sketch book and colored pencils with me, and made a couple of drawings in the waiting room; this is one of the woman sitting in front of us, at work on her computer as she conversed with friends sitting adjacent.

so now i’m about to get to work on a new painting, using the exquisite extra fine artfix portrait linen, which was delivered a few days ago.

as happens on an almost daily basis, we witnessed an extraordinary sunet sky yesterday, which you can see in this photo i shot from our west facing living room windows.

the east wall of my studio with recent paintings, as it looked this afternoon

view towars mt. blanca this afternoon at 5pm, with one of my creek oil paintings below the windows

starting celebration 24, 16x20” / celebration 23 tweaked by Philip Tarlow

celebration 24, 16x20” as she looked at the end of my painting day

3:39 PM: this afternoon i started work on a new painting: celebration 24. it’s smaller than the previous paintings in this series, measuring just 16x20.” the reddish ground was painted at the same time as celebration 23, so it’s the exact same color: italian pompeii red mixed with a little titanium white.

the white canvas i left creates a great counterpoint to the pompeii red and playfully interacts with the shapes of the two tennis players.

celebration 23, 32x36” as she looked following the tweaks i just made to the lower right portion

1:38 PM: the area on the lower right of the composition wasn’t working, so i went over it and added a female basketball player viewed from above. the figures in this painting don’t jump out at you; rather they integrate fully into the composition as a whole, which is what i strive for in this evolving figurative abstraction series. moreover, if you’re familiar with the recently completed 2024 paris olympics, you’ll pick up on the references, albeit subtle.