2:00 PM: today was a big day; a day i’ve been waiting for. my construction friend and is now on his way to becoming a very exciting artist, had promised to build the shelving space i need in my new storage space, builtonto the south side of my studio last year.
well, the time has arrived, and he & his son, who is visiting for the holidays from the art school he’s attending on the east coast, came & did the job in just 3 under hours! mikela is in there right now organizing the paintings; something she’s very good at.
so i didn’t think i’d get any painting done today. but i did! their presence actually helped me get out of my head & do more work on day W-CUP 2. it now includes two dancing figures from the 2020 tokyo olympics final celebration, which have appeared before in recent paintings. they interact in unexpected ways with the horizontal soccer player above, who is heading a ball.
as of now the top 3/4 of the composition remains white. we’ll see tomorrow if that lasts.