words & worlds, day 7 /israel-hamas, day 1 / by Philip Tarlow

words & worlds, 42x42” oil&collage on linen, as it looked following the modifications i made this morning

12:16 PM: words & worlds seemed too busy when i made my first glance this morning. although i saw some beautiful passages and strokes, the composition as a whole seemed confusing; my eyes kept bouncing around and couldn’t find anyplace to land.

so i untroduced a warm grey around what i feel are the most striking, evocative forms and am moving on to a new one, the exact same size:42x42”

i’ll see how i feel about it later today.

3:47 PM: late this afternoon i started a new painting, which is also 42x42”

it’s inspired by photos i shot last night during a program about victims of the war in the middle east.

day 1 of israel-hamas, 42x42”